Friday, August 3, 2012

I just wanted to bug you entomologists with something...

Does anyone know what this is? On the front porch this morning.


  1. Ailanthus Webworms Moth

    1. Well so it is!

      I had assumed it was some kind of beetle. Usually even when moths have their wings in you can still tell they're wings. Wonderful - thanks!

    2. No problem! Full disclosure, I researched that for you (took about three minutes of googling) so that I now feel justified in responding to your blogs. I'm not confident in my economic knowledge (I.e. I'm one of those Internet Austrian libertarians you seem to despise), but I have disagreements with you (never the really technical stuff, which you need to stop talking about, because it's too complicated for my IQ), that I've never felt comfortable expressing. But now that I told you what kind of bug that is, I feel like I can criticize you and not feel like I'm overstepping my bounds.

  2. Replies
    1. What, are you trying to do some kind of story builder game? I'll be damned if my thread gets hijacked by this kind of shenanigans!!

    2. Um, correct me if I am wrong, but this post is a throwaway after you got the answer to your question. ;)

    3. "then it..."

      practices austerity until...

  3. I think its Muammar al-Gaddafi. Dresses like him at least.


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