Thursday, February 2, 2012

My QJAE article is up

It takes a lot of balls for a Keynesian to defend Hoover in an article.

It also takes a lot of balls for anyone to defend Hoover in an Austrian journal.

And while the Review of Austrian Economics is primarily staffed by softies in Fairfax, Virginia who suffer a Keynesian every once in a while, it takes testicular fortitude of the highest order for a Keynesian to try to publish in an outlet run by those crazy Alabaman Austrians.

And yet I, your host at F&OST, have tackled all three of these feats in the most recent issue of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.

UPDATE: And Vedder and Gallaway have a response too. I'm sure one of them was one of my referees. I plan on writing a reply. I may post my response to the referee report here if anyone's interested in that (I don't think there's any privacy concerns associated with my response).

UPDATE 2: I'm really starting to wonder if V&G read either my article or Rose's article when they wrote theirs. Perhaps they did but with a predetermined view of what it was I was arguing. Please - don't take what they say about the Rose (2010) article to heart, especially. It's a great piece and it seems like they only read through the first of several models. Rose (2010) addresses the points they claim he doesn't address.


  1. Dan

    I never see either the pro or con discussing the debt income ratio.

    If private debt is the cause of the crisis, falling wages can only make a bad situation worse, or am I missing something.

    IOW, in a private debted caused crisis, shouldn't the fed act to raise prices and wages, not lower them, at least when doing such improves debt/income ratios?

    It seems to me that a job and inflation is better than no job at all.

  2. I don't know Daniel's problem, but he keeps adding to my reading lists with all these published articles. It must be a personal vendetta.

    Btw, thanks for the reference in your thank you note.

  3. . . . . . . . . 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB !!! ▌
    . . . . . ▌
    . . . . . ▌
    . . . . . ▌
    ▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄ . . . . . . .▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄. . . PUT
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . THIS
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . ON
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . YOUR
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . PROFILE
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . IF
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . YOU
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . KNOW
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . 9/11
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . WAS
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . AN
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . INSIDE
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . JOB !!!
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\.. .UNDER
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . THE
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . .FALSE
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\. . FLAG
    █▄█▄█▄█▄█\ . . . . . . █▄█▄█▄█▄█\.


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