Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some projects

Perhaps a mistake, but I agreed to do two more (for sure, and potentially four more) entries for the Encyclopedia of American Populism. I've already done entries on Coin's Financial School, the National Monetary Commission, the International Monetary Conferences, the Quantity Theory of Money, and Technological Unemployment. Now I'm doing entries on the (recent) real estate boom and Rural Credits. I may also do entries on William McKinley and the St. Louis Convention of 1908.

It's an interesting project - it's intended as a reference book for high school and undergrad students. What's neat is that they're covering the scope of American populism - focusing on the 1890s, certainly, but even bringing it up through the present day and the Tea Party, etc. (hence the real estate boom entry). So in the entries I have done, I tried to reflect that - I talked about uses of the Quantity Theory by populists in the older debates, and by anti-Fed groups today, etc.


I'm also going to try to turn my DARPA RFI on the 100 year starship into a short article for The Space Review and a longer essay for The New Atlantis. I've got a base of text to work with, and a lot of other material - so I might as well.


I'm about to submit an article for work to the journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. The article is on the differential impact of a high school diploma on employment in young adulthood for blacks and whites. That's co-authored with Marla McDaniel, who I think I've mentioned on here before.


The NBER conference is in September, so that chapter is going to be finished up soon. It's been well on its way for a while now - just need to finish it off. That's on supply trends in the engineering labor market over the last thirty years.

I'm going to keep poking around this Richard Posner question I mentioned earlier to see if it's worth thinking about more (I have about 1,000 words written on that right now), but that should all bring me through the fall... then we'll see what my time looks like for other work.

Any other young scholars got interesting work to share?


  1. I'm working on a book chapter for a volume on the Anglican Covenant. My chapter discusses it alongside the apostologic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. The drafting process will be done by the end of the summer and I think the volume is due out next spring.

    After that I'm hopefully going to polish up a paper on Friedrich Schleiermacher and send it to a journal... probably Journal of Religion, Scottish Journal of Theology, or perhaps International Journal of Systematic Theology (which I wasn't planning on, but my adviser mentioned it the other day so I figured I should probably consider it).

    Not as much as you, but I figured I'd try to get a lot of reading done this first summer of doctoral studies. My plan was to read through a lot of Ernst Troeltsch and Hermann Hesse. The adviser recommended I look at Gerhard Ebeling as a possible interlocutor for the diss, though, so I'll probably add him to the reading list as well.

  2. Right - I still have that draft. When do you need it to work in for the final?

  3. As for "not as much as you" - The Space Review is just an online essay place, and The New Atlantis is a several thousand word, less technical venue. So it's really not all that much.

    NBER is a bear - but well worth the investment.

  4. Second drafts are due June 30, finals I think are due at the end of August. I've gotten comments from the editors and from Tony, so no worries if you don't have time to get to it.

  5. I'm working on a way to break down every and all economic models and then a way to rebuild economics from the ground up. I'm going to win like 6 Nobel Prizes. I can't wait; it's going to be so much fun.


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